Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bill Richardson to bring New Mexico corruption to Washington?

As both Republican and Democratic Presidential hopefuls launch their 2008 campaigns, Bill Richardson, governor of the corrupt State of New Mexico, has declared: "Our reputation in the world is diminished".

Bill, are you talking about New Mexico or the United States? I've lived in New Mexico. I've dealt with your corrupt court system. I've been threatened and coerced by your corrupt officers of the court with respect to cases where I was neither the plaintiff nor the defendent.

You have serious problems in your state, dude. Why don't you fix them before you drag your sorry gang of cronies to Washington and make everyone else's lives miserable?

What this country does NOT need is New Mexico's "good ole boy" syndrome thrust upon all fifty states.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'I've been threatened and coerced by your corrupt officers of the court with respect to cases where I was neither the plaintiff nor the defendent.'- sound intriguing- care to give any more details?

7:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Martinez said...

Not at this time. However, I was also evicted from a house after I had moved out of it because the judge did someone a favor.

The Albuquerque Journal used to carry a lot of stories detailing how the civil court system in New Mexico is run on a good ole boy system.

9:18 AM  

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